Our Strategy

Partnership / Leadership Development / Unconventional by Design

Our Story

Our Strategy

Our story, like every great story starts with the people. Milestone Funeral Partners’ fundamentals revolve around the funeral and cemetery professionals who are Managing Partners, the development of these individuals, and the decision to lead in a unique fashion. From the ground up, we’re founded and led by lifelong funeral directors.  Michael Martel (CEO) and Timothy “TJ” Smart (COO), have a combined 45+ years as licensed practitioners, along with years of experience in crematory operations, cemetery operations, cemetery sales and memorial sales. Through honest relationship-building, and a dedication to local caregivers, Milestone Funeral Partners’ business resources are focused on our community-based Managing Partners. We not only encourage entrepreneurship, we strive to foster it and develop it. Our businesses are led by the very best caregivers in each community that we serve. Milestone Funeral Partners is about the people, plain and simple.  


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