“real” partnership
At Milestone Funeral Partners, partnership is a core value. While other companies may have the title of “partner” for their location manager or try to coach “ownership,” what truly makes us different is that our Managing Partners are equity partners in our company, with legitimate ownership. When a brand within Milestone Funeral Partners has a professional’s name and the title of “Partner” or “Owner” next to it, community members can rest assured that when they call or visit, they will be chatting with the owner.
You might be thinking that succession, merger, or sale is six, seven, even ten years away. If you are, we should chat. Through your partnership, and our unique development efforts and focus on people, your business and your ownership stake can achieve unheralded growth, leaving you with an improved long-term exit position and a rock-solid legacy.
You might be ready for succession immediately. If you are, we’d still like to chat. Our development model and industry contacts give us access to talented professional caregivers just waiting to help succeed your legacy and create the continuity your community deserves. You will not be replaced by a management trainee, but rather a vetted, highly trained partner who will give your community the local owner they deserve.
You might be in growth mode, or looking to partner for the next creative venture. Because of the agile nature of our structure and our leadership team’s positive outlook on the future of our profession, there’s nothing we like more than chatting about our collective future and creative trends.
Call or email Michael, mmartel@milestonefuneralpartners.com or TJ tsmart@milestonefuneralpartners.com for a confidential discussion.